At the end of every year I download all pictures I've taken. I couldn't help but keep a few out I hadn't previously posted and reflect back a little at life on the farm in 09.

Looking forward to tapping the maple trees in a few months.
Last winter was a first for us . This year we will tap a few birch trees as well. Nothing like the taste of fresh syrup!

We only have 3 Khaki Campbells that we kept through the winter. I love baking with duck eggs, everything just seems to be fluffier. Too bad they are not laying right now.

Maine Man spent many hours cutting up meat in 2009.
A record breaking year for raising and putting up meat. Loving freezer shopping!

Caught lots of fish. May the ice fishing begin for 2010.

My boy won 1st prize at the local fair with the above photo he took. For 2010 we hope to do a display of our farm at the fair. It should be a lot of fun.

We enjoyed endless hours surrounded by the joys of Mother Nature.

second season of garlic. This past fall MM was able to replant with our own cloves.

Lots of meat bunnies. MM has since decided they are just too cute to kill but we do agree they are tasty. We have a few males free ranging in the barn for the winter but for the future we will stick with chicken.





I love the photos! I hope 2010 bring you and yours all the good it has to offer!
A happy New Year to you, too. Nice pics! And I'm with the guy who has trouble eating things that are cute and fuzzy. I'd just like to eat someone I don't know by name.
Looks like a wondeful and full year for Achorn Farm & Family! Hope 2010 is the same way for you, and you have bountiful blessings in many ways. Take Care
Wonderful pictures! I never actually knew you could tap birch trees, although it makes sense now that I think about it. See how we rely on you for our information??
Great year visiting your blog. Happy New Year to you and your fammily too!
Please stop by my blog to help vote for the pumpkin variety I should plant this summer.
Thanks all, appreciate all your kind words. I'll be over to vote YD.
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