After discussing my recent adventures of bread making (3 failed attempts : 1 good loaf) Maine Man thought he'd give it a try. He even went as far as bringing along my bread baking book ice fishing. So he studied up....

Said "it will be easy!"

and showed me up

He hadn't proved his point enough ;)

he proceeded right on to bagel making
and you know it

he was successful

He even took this picture. Impressed?....I was!
He has since made another batch of bagels. Nothing like it!
P.S. that is homemade butter in the bowl
If you could clone him, I think you would find a huge market.... ;-)
oh my gosh....YUM!!!! That last photo looks like he's preparing for a party but has forgotten to invite us all over!!!
Well, dang! Looks like it's party time...those look amazing :)
What's your address? :)
Wow! Sounds like something my old man would do as well:) It all looks yummy though, stay well my friend.
I love watching T make bread. Watching a man in the kitchen = sexy. ;-)
What flavor bagels did he make? I've been making bagels from Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day but so far have only stuck with plain... I'm ready to branch out and play with other flavors. :-)
So funny you posted this. After I creamed husband in the bake off on Sunday. He spent all day yesterday perfecting his recipe (while working from home *cough*) and when I got home i was presented with the perfect loaf of Semolina bread lol
now there is no stopping him!!
If you need somewhere to put those bagels, NH people like them alot *nods*
Wow! Those bagels and bread look so delicious! Good job MM!
Don't ya just hate it when they do that......have to admit though....I am very impressed!!!
sit back and enjoy the rewards!
Don't tell him but he may just have signed himself on as the baker of ALL bread consumed at your house ;)
Looks great!
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