Sorry I skipped a post again yesterday. Maybe I should have agreed to do 30 consecutive posts not necessarily daily. My bad! Possibly I’ll post two today, or not.
As I sit in my bed typing this post this morning I pause to reflect on how fortunate and grateful I am. Listening to the hens hackle and the rooster crow while sipping my coffee fixed just the way I like it….a splash of raw milk and couple teaspoons of maple syrup. Not only did Maine Man prepare and deliver coffee to my bed but he also brought my laptop & camera up and he even made me an omelet. Every woman should be so lucky! Have I mentioned lately how much I love and appreciate that man?

Back in high school I was a waitress at my grandparents restaurant. One of our cooks was named Flo. She was a wild and crazy gray-haired older lady SO full of life! I loved her! I often wonder if she is still alive. That was over 20 years ago so I am doubtful.
Every Sunday we served boiled ham dinner. On Mondays she would make the best dang hash from the leftovers. For years I have thought about how she made it. About a year ago I attempted to cut up the leftovers really small and cook it…..epic fail. Then a while back it came to me. Take the leftovers and run it through a processor until it reaches the consistency of small chunks, not baby food! Season with a bit of salt and pepper. Add a slab of butter in a pan, I prefer cast iron because it lasts for ever, isn’t toxic, and I’m an old-fashioned girl at heart. Cook until crispy and in this case I fried an egg to top it off with. This can really be made up with any leftovers that includes meat, veggies, and potatoes.
Flo would be so proud even though it took me 20+ years to recreate her fantabulous hash!