Sunday, May 30, 2010
Honesty Policy
farm stand,
frugal living,
Local Resources,
Maine Man
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Croc replacement parts

Friday, May 21, 2010
Toading Time
P.S. That stuff stains!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sugar Scrub

P.S. I added a few drops of lavender essential oil to my last batch and it made the experience all that and more.
Here is a link if you want to check out some recipes.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
It's getting HOT in here!

The pea pods started coming in this week and unbelievably we actually have green peppers that will be ready for harvest in a few days.

Maine Man has spent ENDLESS hours tending his crops and all his hard work has paid off as we gather greens on a daily basis.
P.S Since I have LOTS of pictures to share I am going to be doing a series of short posts.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Nothing like the smell of Lilacs
My brother says I've been a bad blogger lately but I try. It's really is not about the lack to topics but yet the lack of time. My goal is to post weekly which I seem to pull off even if they are sometimes brief. Short and sweet is ok, right? I have TONS of pictures and stories to tell....they will come with time. Well it is 7:30 now and I am getting ready to attack a sink full of dishes, make some banana bread, and can some rhubarb for the first time ever. I will let you know how that comes out. Last night I made some blueberry rhubarb jam. It was my first time making jam and the consistency was a little runnier then I expected. Instead of messing with it any further I resised to using it as compote on ice cream, crepes, or angel food cake. I would like any advice any jam makers have on that issue. This week I plan to make up some salsa so I am looking for a recipe if anyone has one posted and is willing share the link here.
Blessed Week to you all!
frugal living,
Local Resources,
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A little post of the kids birthdays has become a yearly tradition. In a sense it is their birthday card.
What to say about this sweet little chickie that we love SO?
We LOVE that she is.....
~caring & compassionate
~smart & sensitive
~spunky & spontaneous
~a gourmet cook ;)
This is what FG's teacher wrote about her in her latest report card:
FG "is a delight. She has so much unbridled energy and enthusiasm for learning and life in general. She is doing a terrific job."
That my friends says a lot and means so much! So proud of the young lady you have become FG!
This is her birthday "Wish List" she wrote out for me after I completed her shopping.
- roller coaster kingdom ds
- my sims kingdom ds
- make up set
- sunglasses (you have new ones)
- book light
- five/ten bucks
- nail polish
- laptop ( NO way, you'll be assigned one in junior high until then we have 2 computers)
- seed/flowers
- real fish (one we can eat?...Momma doesn't need any more animals to pick up after)
- back pack (girl you have a brand new one, Christmas... remember)
- the bangor mall gift card
- books
- candy lots & lots of candy(you'll have to hide it from know how I like your candy stashes)
- cheese balls
- apple peeler
- a bunch of jolly ranchers
- mountain bike/blue
- gum
- peanut butter balls (this wish was fulfilled by Amy...thanks they were SO good)
- a flower bouquet (I hope lilacs will do....)
- a bunny/real (you had one, didn't feed him and we gave him to a lovely realized 3 weeks later)
I did get some of these goodies kiddo but Momma's not rich and your not spoiled!
To end this post with a little song to dedicated to my little Sweat Pea....In My Daughter's Eyes by Martina McBride
Sunday, May 9, 2010
How do you....

The work of any farm can be OVERWHELMING! Especially from this time of year through fall....the lazy days of winter are always welcomed! As I've said before if it wasn't for Maine Man this farm would NOT be a farm. It definitely takes TWO!
CB: Hi Mom, Dad didn't buy one. He was too cheap!
Me: That doesn't surprise me. I don't even know why you guys went. I knew he wouldn't buy one.
CB: We'll be home in a bit.
Several minutes later MM & the kids pull in tooting the horn and CB ran into the house laughing hysterically. Guess what they had in the trailer.....T-Bone (above) the newest addition.
We are raising him for some friends that have always went above and beyond for us throughout the years. They have been saving for our children's college fund since their births.
Cocoa is happy to have a companion. Have I mentioned, I LOVE having cows out grazing the fields!
Cocoa is happy to have a companion. Have I mentioned, I LOVE having cows out grazing the fields!

currently harvesting: kale, swiss chard, lettuce, bok choy, spinach, beet greens
patiently waiting for: onions, garlic, turnip, carrots, zucchini, squash, beets, peas, squash, cukes, and tomatoes.
Guess what? We have already been struck with EARLY BLIGHT....MM is treating with copper. Hoping that this fungus does not devastate our crops again this year!
Last a recipe link to share..... BOK CHOY SALAD I made it this week. Quick, easy, and tasty!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Maine Adventures

Maine Man looks small in comparison to that rock!

We stopped at "Thunder Hole". A narrow area surrounded by rock that waves crash into making a tremendous sound.

Then we made our way down and walked along the beach trail.
We still had a ways to go but the water was just too tempting!

Take note her pants are NO longer rolled up

Imagine that?
They were soaked to their belly buttons, then covered in sand.

To be a kid again!
We hope to return again this summer with the Fresh Air Child we are taking in for a week in July. We plan to go on several hiking trips a year from here on out so I will share them here. I am adding a side link(label) of "Our Maine Adventures" as a way of sharing great places to go with fellow Mainers & visitors and as a memory for my children.
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