Sunday, May 9, 2010

How do you....

How do you do it all? That is a question that I am asked frequently. The answer.....I DON'T! As I sit and type tonight I should be folding laundry but I'm NOT, MAYBE I'll do a load or two later. The to do lists are ENDLESS and I just prioritize what I think needs to be done most. Laundry obviously not at the top of my list tonight. I always like to go to bed & wake up to a clean house but there are some things I let slide.
The work of any farm can be OVERWHELMING! Especially from this time of year through fall....the lazy days of winter are always welcomed! As I've said before if it wasn't for Maine Man this farm would NOT be a farm. It definitely takes TWO!

Recent phone conversation with Country Boy
CB: Hi Mom, Dad didn't buy one. He was too cheap!
Me: That doesn't surprise me. I don't even know why you guys went. I knew he wouldn't buy one.
CB: We'll be home in a bit.
Several minutes later MM & the kids pull in tooting the horn and CB ran into the house laughing hysterically. Guess what they had in the trailer.....T-Bone (above) the newest addition.
We are raising him for some friends that have always went above and beyond for us throughout the years. They have been saving for our children's college fund since their births.
Cocoa is happy to have a companion. Have I mentioned, I LOVE having cows out grazing the fields!
Latest hoop house picture. Please click to enlarge the photo for a better view. We have been eating from it daily and giving lots of goodies to friends & family.
currently harvesting: kale, swiss chard, lettuce, bok choy, spinach, beet greens
patiently waiting for: onions, garlic, turnip, carrots, zucchini, squash, beets, peas, squash, cukes, and tomatoes.
Guess what? We have already been struck with EARLY BLIGHT....MM is treating with copper. Hoping that this fungus does not devastate our crops again this year!
Last a recipe link to share..... BOK CHOY SALAD I made it this week. Quick, easy, and tasty!


Everett said...

Funny, I just made a post about being tired and stressed about all the work that needs to be done. But that was soooo last week. Today I took a much needed day off (To-Do list be damned!)and even had a nap on the couch. I'll play catch-up tomorrow, but sometimes you just have to ignore the list.

Thank you for sharing. It is good to know I'm not the only one who doesn't get it all done.

Prairie Mother said...

I'm always tired..ha ha! And my to do list always seems to be getting longer than shorter :P Oh well, when they grow up my kids will remember all the fun stuff we did and probably never remember how clean our house was (or wasn't!) Good luck getting it "all done"! Enjoy your day and thanks for sharing.

Karen Sue said...

I have a list..I occasionally look at it, but for the most part, I can keep busy without doing ANYTHING on that list!
I have bread rising, clothes in the washer and dryer and hanging up..that means I'm working, right??
And if someone needs something done, who do they call?? EXACTLY!! so we're not doing THAT bad of a job, are we???