Every year I usually set a few goals for the year. Most times I complete those goals but the one that is always on the list year after year is to loose a few pounds. Imagine that? Ha I’m not a big girl just always have a little junk here and there I’d like to get rid of. That’s been the case for about 10 years…lol. I have managed to consistently work out since July and I’m feeling pretty good so I guess this year it will be to just stay at it and not give up no matter what! It SO easy to put your own needs aside and do for everyone else. I had a bit of a revelation several months back and I have been much better at putting Momma first despite what anyone says. I have had my struggles and had to be a hard ass from time to time but in the end it all worked out. A couple more goals for the new year are to take my camera out more and work at taking better pictures and share them. This year I kinda sucked at that therefore I really sucked out at blogging. Can’t blog without good pictures to go along, right? I only posted 36 post this year normally posting 100 or more….loser! I am going into my 7th year of blogging and well I guess I just fell off the deep end. We will see if I can spice it up again. I do like sharing some of our shenanigans, it serves as a great resource for me to look back on recipes and how-to’s, and it is a scrap book for sort for my kids in years to come. Travel is my last goal of the new year. I want to go on a family vacation, something we have never really done before. I will stick with this minimal list in effort to be successful with my resolutions. What are your goals for the new year?