Harvest Something: The dill and cilantro are almost ready. We harvest sprouts weekly. I bought a bio-set sprouter from Johnny's last year after seeing it on Angie's blog, Children in the Corn.
Store Something: 50lbs of bread flour, 5 lbs dry kidney beans, 5 lbs Maine shrimp, 2 lbs elk meat.
Manage Reserves: Reserves are getting depleted. I will be consolidating 2 freezers into 1.
Poultry: I cooked up the last turkey but I was able to cut up and store several bags for upcoming meals. We have several chickens left but no worry more chicks will be arriving soon.
Beef: We are almost out deer meat. This is the first time ever that our supply is this low so early into the year. I admit I took for granted having deer meat so readily available in past years. Maybe next season I will put in a bit more time in the woods....I say that every year.
Poultry: I cooked up the last turkey but I was able to cut up and store several bags for upcoming meals. We have several chickens left but no worry more chicks will be arriving soon.
Beef: We are almost out deer meat. This is the first time ever that our supply is this low so early into the year. I admit I took for granted having deer meat so readily available in past years. Maybe next season I will put in a bit more time in the woods....I say that every year.
Pork: We are almost out. We have two sows that we plan to breed in the next month or so.
Canned goods: Mustard pickles and pickled beets are all we have left. This year I plan to put up more goods. I am shopping for a pressure canner. What do you all use? Any and all suggestions welcome.
Canned goods: Mustard pickles and pickled beets are all we have left. This year I plan to put up more goods. I am shopping for a pressure canner. What do you all use? Any and all suggestions welcome.
Root vegetables: Remaining are 2 spaghetti squash, 3 lbs carrots, 3-4lbs potatoes, plenty of onions and garlic.
Frozen vegetables/fruit: Blueberries, tomatoes (which I will not freeze again next year), edamame beans, corn on the cob.
Cook something new: The last two experiments I attempted ended up in the pig trough. I made a crock pot lemon cake that came out soupy. I then attempted to make a sourdough starter and my first loaf was like a brick and I chucked my "mother sponge" because I neglected to feed her.
Prep Something: Slowly working at getting a pantry stocked up...I have cleaned and organized the area FINALLY (today). Now I just need to decide what I want to stock it with. Ideas welcome here too for those of you have well stocked pantries.
Reduce Wastes: I have been picking recyclables out of the trash that MM throws away...ARGGGG! Saving glass jars and reusing them in the pantry to-be. Using my reusable shopping bags whenever I remember them.
Learn a new skill: No new skills aquired.
Work on communiy food security: After much research on co-ops I have opted not to start one up. Much of the food that is provided is what we grow or raise. It is not worth the added resposibility I would have. This place alone is more than enough work for me.
I have also been buying much more from local business owners.
Regeneate what is lost: We put our wood ashes into the garden.