Friday, May 21, 2010

Toading Time

There is NEVER a dull moment of the farm. The kids can often be found catching frogs, toads in this case, trapping crayfish, trying to save birds that the cats fatally wound and so on. If you have been reading about our madness for a while now you'll remember this post when Flower Girl attempted to save a chipmunk and there is also pictures of that GINORMOUS snapper the kids caught in the front yard. MM & I spotted that rascally snapper in one of the ponds a few days back. Guess it is a good thing we don't swim in them. Maybe he's the reason I've lost ducks in past years....or maybe it was just Mr. Fox.

Love this picture! This might be a fun one to enter in the fair this year. In September at our local fair we are planning to put together a farm display. Should be interesting. In past years we have entered vegetables and pictures. The deal is that you must submit 20 varieties of produce that you grow and it must be educational. I think it will be a good learning opportunity for the kids, a fun way to share what we do, and the kids might even be able to score a little coin. I have it all plotted out in my busy little brain.

The reason there were so many toads at the pond is because they were laying eggs. Apparently one of the girls couldn't hold on any longer.
P.S. That stuff stains!


  1. Ewwwwwe!!! That last picture reminds me of biology class my freshman year of high school. We dissected frogs. I had the only male frog and was instructed by my teacher to remove a certain portion of his insides and hold them up for all the class to see. Not one of my fonder memories. :)

    That turtle...can you even call that a turtle??? UNBELIEVABLE!!!

    I can't imagine what a fun adventure y'all are living. How wonderful!

    LOVE the pic of the frogs!

  2. Toads are great! They eat a lot of mosquitoes!

  3. lol....You got some great pics of them. We had alot last year but this year i have not seen one.

  4. First time visitor - these pictures are so awesome, best I have seen for a long time. Looks like you are a farmer too, am off to read more posts. Peace

  5. Awesome! We have teeny little toads around here, those guys are huge!

  6. You so should enter that pic! Fabulous!

  7. Ok, that last picture is awesome and disgusting at the same time! lol

  8. Love those photos! Get thee to the fair! You're sure to win a prize!

  9. FROG POOP!!!!

    Awesome to check frogs and toads out poop or not! And it looks like you have some dandies!
