Friday, September 23, 2011

Here is to another year


Age 36 was not my best year but just a simple look around reminds me things really could have been so much worse.  From each encounter I faced I walked away with a valuable lesson learned.  Although I had a procedure on my neck, reduction of a certain body part I swore I would NEVER alter, a vehicle crash, and a significant occupational exposure I am still here, surrounded by loved ones and honestly doing GREAT!

A few things I’ve taken from these experiences:

  • “You are your own best doctor” ~ one of the doctors I work with said this to me and it is so true.  This same doctor is the one that figured out my neck pain was not coming from the benign tumor in my neck but yet the size of my chest…  I am forever grateful for that!  Who would have thought?  Not me or any of the other doctors I saw! 
  • Empathize with those who live with chronic pain. 
  • Never say never!
  • Get MANY opinions, Listen to your gut!  THANKFUL I did that or I would be a now 37 year old woman  status post 20 radiation treatments to my neck.  There is NO doubt I would have had life long health problems from that. 
  • 4 wheel drive is not a security blanket
  • If someone makes you feel uncomfortable look beyond it.  Take your time, don’t be rushed and perform your duties as you would for anyone else. 

There were a lot more lessons learned along the way that I am sure I will think of over the the next couple days.  But, tonight I hastily type after a long, wonderful day spent at the Common Ground Fair followed by a superfantabulous birthday dinner of lobster & clams cooked up by Maine Man & the kids.  When really what I can’t wait to do is jump in my comfy bed in the arms of my love!

On an ending note as of lately my luck has seemed to change.  my girl caught a pig at a local country fair, I won a good chunk of cash on a photo contest as noted in the last post, and most recently I was contacted by the Bangor Daily News ( a local newspaper) and asked if they could add my blog to their web-site.  I was flattered to say the least.  Guess I will have no choice but to step it up a notch. Smile

Here’s to another year! Much love to all my faithful followers!


  1. You're 2 years younger than my oldest brother and a year younger than my other brother.



  2. I'll follow goatpod2 in saying you are 2 years younger than my oldest son and 1,5, and 6 years older than my other 3 sons and 30 years younger than me. In my book, you are very young with a whole lot of life ahead. I did the fair yesterday. Were you an exhibitor?

  3. A very nice informational blog.Keep on making such important blog post.Your work is really being appreciated by some one.

  4. Great post, it's always encouraging to see others stay positive through difficult situations.

    Congratulations on the photo contest and the Bangor Daily news, that's awesome!

  5. Love you girl !! Always making lemonade, praising the rain cause it feeds the garden, and finding the lesson for the day, everyday. Hugs to you, it was great to see you at the fair !
