Sunday, February 27, 2011

I spy with my little eye...

....Something green in February~ONIONS~
Nice to see seedlings sprouting upon the window sills!

Last night was the first meal I cooked since my procedure.
I am not 100% but definitely better then I was pre-procedure.
Today was the first time in a while I did not have to lay down and did not take ANY meds.
Wooo hooo!
Nice to be back in the kitchen!
Many (not all) of the meals we cook come from the farm.
When we first started raising our own food each homegrown meal created a stir of excitement.
Now we often take it for granted.

We had pork chops from H1 who went to the butcher shop last week.
MM has processed some of our pigs in the past but with everything going on as of recently it was best to pay someone else to do it.

I also cooked up some mashed potatoes from the root cellar, we have enough left to bring us into summer I think.

For a vegetable I cooked up some Butternut squash. That stored nicely in cool storage...(Country Boy's closet) He was real impressed with me :/
Buttercup is my favorite but it was the worst for storage. Had I paid better attention and in the future I will Always eat those up first. Acorn squash & Spaghetti squash stored quite well but the Hubbard & Butternut by far stored the BEST! I am certain we will have enough until next years crop.


  1. I'm so glad you have done so well! Don't "over do it". This year will be my first of trying to grow onions. If you have any tips I would love them. Hope you have a great week!

  2. Glad to see you're feeling better. I've found our butternuts kept well this year as well (I guess they are really my Mom's butternuts!) and we still have one of our big galeux d'eysines left, Of course, still having lots in the freezer, I'm loathe to cut into a 20 pounder.
    Take care and take it easy.

  3. So glad you're feeling better! I too get a kick out of everything we eat that comes from our place. Simple pleasures. ;-)

  4. Sounds like a wonderful meal- glad you're on the mend!
