Saturday, July 10, 2010

You might be a farm chick if.......

You might be a farm chick have a cow named Sir Loin that loves to bury his face in the sand pile.

You might be a farm chick if.......... when someone honks the horn at 6 am you know for sure it is not just to say hello instead you surge with adrenalin and run out knowing that one of your animals must be in the road.

You might be a farm chick if..........your daughter asks your boy if the electric fence is on he proceeds to tell her it is off. Then you must console child for 40 minutes thereafter. (then kick some serious butt ;))

You might be a farm chick have a chicken plucker that is out on borrow more than in your possession.

You might be a farm chick if..........friends & family say coming to your house is like going on a field trip, always a different adventure.

You might be a farm chick if..........your kids play with matches & knives on a regular basis and you are ok with it.

You might be a farm chick use facebook as a way of selling livestock.

You might be a farm chick if...........all your visitors greet you with an arm full of egg cartons.

You might be a farm chick if...........your friends are all out partying it up and you are home slaving over a hot pressure canner late into the night drinking diet pepsi in hopes to get a second wind so you can finish putting food up by sunrise.

(all real scenarios here on the farm)


  1. I laughed at these! Some are so true here too!!

  2. Well it looks like I'm a farm chick. I think about half of those things have happened to me.

  3. I must be a farm chick!! Ha ha, I related to more than one of those as an adult and a child!!

  4. Laughed out loud! I am one! :D
