Monday, July 14, 2008

Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence, Rhode Island

Yes that is my little muffin nearly hugging that bear. All I could think is, what if that glass broke? This bear put on quite a little show for us. John caught a small video I may post in the future.Looks like they were trying to catch the rooster

This past weekend we went to Rhode Island for a wedding and we also went to the zoo and met up with some of our cousins that live down there. The zoo was amazing, more animals than I expected, many which I had never seen in real life. Besides Canada & Quebec Rhode Island is the farthest I've EVER traveled from Maine in my 33 years...sad isn't it. I have never even been on a plane, sheltered life you see.

John took most of these photos. I think I may enlarge this eagle one for the house.

Unpacking from 2 nights in a hotel compared to camping was a piece of cake. 2 loads of laundry compared to 10, few cooler foods to put away and a quick car cleanup (which I've yet to do).
I like camping but I sure do like the conveniences of a hotel. This is our last trip of the season other than day trips. Thanks goes out to Sarah and Chantal who tended the critters, without you we could have never gone away.
Another OMG is that I've only slept in a hotel like 6 times that I can think of.
Cute story- When John and I were in our late teens or early 20's we were up North on a snowmobile trip and the weather was horrible so we packed up and began to head home. After some time on the treacherous roads we decided to stop and get a hotel room even though we barely had enough cash. We gathered up our money and John went in and rented us a room. We parked the vehicle and went up to the room and I had a complete meltdown. I had NEVER stayed in a hotel before in my life and this place was less then I expected. John was like, what do you want me to do? I said go back and get your money! And so he did. He went up and said his wife is pregnant and sick and we needed to continue going home and they gave him his money back. Hours later we made it home safe and sound but to this day we still laugh about his clever story to get a refund.


  1. Sounds like you zoo trip was fun, looks like fun too.

  2. Our kids always loved going to the zoo. Glad you had that opportunity.

    The snowy road trip sounds like it was a real experience.

  3. I can't believe you are already getting tomatoes! Totally jealous...I am already overrun with squash and Zucchini.

    You grew up in New England, as far as I am concerned, it is one of, if not THE prettiest place on earth...I can see why you haven't had to go far!

    But I do love to travel too, it is just cost prohibitive these days! Glad you had fun in Rhode Island

  4. Those are some mighty fancy pink chickens they have at the zoo. Not much meat on those drumsticks I'm afraid! I like your new tractor too. We could put something like that to good use around here. Maybe some day in the future!

  5. Those are great pictures, Kim!~ ! I LOVE going to the zoo.
